Pastoral Care


Pastoral Care

As Christians, we are called to care for one another. While the clergy have a special responsibility to shepherd the flock (the word “pastor” means “shepherd”), every member of Christ Church is expected to show kindness, care, and concern for others in the congregation and in the world.

We are blessed in our life together by the special ministrations of laypeople who have been trained to offer pastoral care to members of the Parish who are suffering. Lay Eucharistic Visitors carry the sacrament to homebound parishioners each week, uniting the whole congregation in one Body and fellowship. Our Prayer Chain ensures that parishioners and others in need are surrounded in supplication and intercession. And our Stephen Ministers, led by Mary Bellew and David Vaules, offer long-term care and support to any who need a compassionate presence.

If you or someone you care about is in need of a pastoral care, please contact the Parish Office.